Hanging Tips And Techniques

These techniques that we are going to talk about were found on the book written by John D. Wagner , Ultimate Guide Drywall.
The article that we are using is from page 79 , 80 ” Hanging Tips & Techniques”.

Using a Deadman:

A deadman is a temporary brace made of two lengths od 2×3 or 2×4 joined together and braced to form a T. Cut one of these as long as the ceiling is high plus 1 inch.( but minus 1 1/2 inches for the crosspiece) and the other about 3 feet long. When hanging ceiling drywall, wedge the deadman benefit a panel to hold it until it can be fastened.
You may find it necessary to use two deadman on a ceiling panel, especially if you are working alone. If so, make sure that you oppose the angles of the two upright; titling them the same way creates an unstable situation.

Using a Stepladder:

Stepladders are made from three different materials: wood, aluminum, and fiberglass. Drywallers tend to prefer aluminum for its low cost and light weight. Ladders are rated according to the weight they can safely hold. Type III (light-duty),ladders can support 200 pounds per rung; type II(medium-duty), 225 pounds; Type I (heavy-duty industrial), 250 pounds: and type IA (extra heavy-duty), 300 pounds. A Type II is fine for most residential work. Remember, however, that drywall is heave; if you weigh 200 pounds and life a 54 1/2 inch panel. you will be stretching the limit of a type II ladder.
A stepladder work best when you have a single task in one elevated location. Unfortunately, it will not suffice for working on long joints or drive rows of screws- you will have to keep getting down and moving it over. For those jobs, you will need a scaffold, a step-up bench with a wide top trestle, or planks laid securely over sawhorses.

Using A Panel Lifter

A Panel Lifter allows you to raise a panel an inch or so off the floor while keeping your hands free. You will use this handy device when installing walls panels nearest on the floor. (Floor-level panels are not installed resting on the floor, but rather an inch or so above it. baseboard trim or heating unites will cover the gap.) It is easiest in this situation to lift the panel with your foot by pressing on a simple lever with a lip on one end that tucks under the panel. A panel lifter also gives you fairly precise control when positioning the wallboard, especially if the panel above is set. You can buy a panel lifter or make one from a pair of 3- inch-wide lengths of pine. In a pinch, you can use a pry bar and block of wood .

Using a Scaffold

A scaffold, preferably mounted on locking casters, provides a versatile support from which to position, fasten, tape, finish, or paint drywall. It provides a wide, long, level platform that adjusts to the desired height. For small-scale jobs, you probably can get by working from a stepladder or step-up benches with wide top planks. For a larger job, it might be worthwhile to rent a rolling scaffold, which costs relatively little.

All this information can be found on page 79-80 on the book ,Ultimate Guide Drywall, by John D. Wagner. You can find this book at your public library or online.

Review on the book

Overall we believed that the content written in pages 79 & 80 of ,Ultimate Guide Drywall, was very informative. It gave very efficient tips and techniques on hanging. Many drywall contractors would benefit from reading this book. Overall we give it a 5 out 5 and suggest everyone to read it.